
Title of the series
Kirill Ovchinnikov explores hidden causal relationships of cities and their inhabitants. He who works in the genre of photography, tries to convey the underlying social, psychological and metaphysical processes of our everyday life, without departing from the true nature of documentary photography.
Kargopol: This area located far from the main railways and highways has evolved from the ancient center of Russian trade and life into a poky hole of a place.

Title of the series
The series La Costa shows the Spanish coast in the time before and after the touristy season. The emptiness of the space irritates and yet fascinates: As if its inhabitants have given up on their living space, it appears in a different than the intended aesthetic nature.

#03 Julia Autz


Title of the series
Transnistria is located in the Republic of Moldova. After a civil war 1992, a de facto regime established itself which is not recognised by any other state or organization until today. Julia Autz has spent two months in Tiraspol where she documented the people’s everyday lives. According to the photographer, “the younger generation dreams of a more colourful, more hopeful and freer world – a life that allows what makes up a youth: rebellion, self-discovery and perspectives.”

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Portfolio Review